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Hair sample testing and analysis can play a critical role in establishing a biochemical imbalances and provide a clear direction in formulating a treatment plan that can be quantified.

Mood Disorders

The prevalence of mood disorders in Australia and the western world is high and seems to be ever increasing. It is estimated that 1 in 3 people in the western world will experience some form of mood disorder at least once in their life time.

For most people a rapid recovery is expected but for some it can linger for years and have to be managed long term. Mood disorders are not understood by most and consequently those suffering from it, do not receive the support that they would otherwise receive with more accepted illnesses.




Lack of Minerals, vitamins, proteins and omega-3 fatty acids

It is well accepted that a “deficiency of any single nutrient can alter brain function and lead to depression” (encyclopedia of Natural Medicine). Neurotransmitters are vital chemicals that the nervous system uses to communicate from cell to cell. These neurotransmitters can not  be manufactured without minerals, vitamins, proteins and omega-3 fatty acids. Consequently these deficiencies are commonly seen in people that suffer mental disorders. The nervous system is the master control centre of the body. It controls and regulates every function and action that occurs within the body. Without a nervous system not a single organ in our body would work so having  healthy levels of neurotransmitters is critical for nervous system vitality and stability.

Toxic heavy metals mercury, cadmium, lead and tin

Toxic metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead and tin affect chemical transmission from one nerve cell to another and it  also adversely affects neurotransmitters in the brain causing behavioral and mood changes such as depression.Toxic metals also block the absorption, metabolism, storage and actions of vital nutrients in the body causing mineral deficiencies. These deficiencies eventually lead to further increased accumulation of toxic metals and subsequent neurotransmitter imbalance creating a vicious cycle.

Every mineral has a dynamic relationship with other minerals so when taking supplements care must be taken not to supplement excessively in one area as it could have the opposite affect in another. For example prolonged high doses of zinc can deplete copper. Copper is linked to dopamine secretion in the brain which is a neurotransmitter associated with movement, attention, learning, and the brain’s pleasure and reward system.



Depression, anxiety, bipolar, seasonal affective disorder

Mood disorders include but are not limited to depression, anxiety, bipolar, seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Mood disorders are not always caused by medical conditions but may instead be as a result of nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, toxic metal poisoning, allergies, infections, or side affects from unrelated drugs use such as the contraceptive pill. For this reason a thorough medical check up is always advised to try an establish and identify contributing factors.


Hair sample testing and analysis can play a critical role in establishing a biochemical imbalances and provide a clear direction in formulating a treatment plan that can be quantified.